Pests > Pests Entities > Fungi > Damping-off, taro, Samoa

Pests > Pests Entities > Fungi > Damping-off, taro, Samoa

Pests Pests Entities Fungi Damping-off, taro, Samoa

Damping off, taro

March 2005. Damping off of taro seedling in Samoa. Only tap water is used for cleaning the seeds, which are grown in sterile Jiffy-7 (treated with hot water). The seedling are watered with distilled water. Two fungicides have been purchased, Bravo and Forschek, but the opinion of members is beign sought before these are used. Comments were requested.

Usually, it’s Fusarium that causes the problem, but Rhizoctonia may also be present. Treat the seed with captan or thiram. If not, try mancozeb or even copper oxychloride. Bravo is likely to be effective, too.

Other suggestions were incorporating more organic matter into the mix, sterilising the mix in an autoclave, and treating the seeds with garlic extract or bleach (1%). It would be best to water the seedling from the bottom, not the top of the pot.