Crops > Plantation crops > Coconut & oil palm > Insects > Oryctes rhinoceros > Risks, Oryctes, commercially packaged soil

Crops > Plantation crops > Coconut & oil palm > Insects > Oryctes rhinoceros > Risks, Oryctes, commercially packaged soil

Crops Plantation crops Coconut & oil palm Insects Oryctes rhinoceros Risks, Oryctes, commercially packaged soil

Risks, Oryctes, commercially packaged soil

March 2017. On March 29, 2017 vigilant PPQ officers on Saipan intercepted coconut rhinoceros beetles (CRB) in a shipment of 12 palettes of commercially packaged soil imported from Guam. Movement of CRB in packaged soil products is a well-documented pathway for inter and intra-island spread of CRB. Here’s a recent article on this topic:

https://scholarspace.manoa. 42743/1/PHES48_21-22.pdf

Regulatory agencies are urged to prohibit importation of packed soil products from islands infested with CRB.