Crops > Plantation crops > Coconut & oil palm > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Lethal yellowing, coconuts, Antigua

Crops > Plantation crops > Coconut & oil palm > Viruses & Phytoplasmas > Lethal yellowing, coconuts, Antigua

Lethal yellowing, coconuts, Antigua

May 2012. A disease is killing coconuts in Antigua, but a member of Pestnet says that it does not look like lethal yellowing, so what is it? See,

The Plant Protection Unit is also exploring the idea that the symptoms are caused by an insect. See,

By September, it seemed that lethal yellowing was the cause: It was reported on ProMED-mail.

Two articles on the lethal yellowing in Antigua can be found here: part 1 & part 2.

Crops Plantation crops Coconut & oil palmViruses & Phytoplasmas Lethal yellowing, coconuts, Antigua