The Online APP
The Online PestNet app and the Mobile (Android) PestNet app have replaced the original communication tool that operated via the Yahoo! Group email service. An Apple PestNet app is also being developed. However, until this is ready, PestNet can be accessed on Apple phones and tablets using the online app that is optimised for mobile use. Get the free PestNet Mobile app (Android) here. Follow the links for more information about the Online app and the Android app
Becoming a PestNet member
You can become a PestNet member at no cost either via the online app or the Android mobile app. Once joined you can post pest diagnostic requests, seek advice on any other plant protection matter, respond to requests from other members, and access new articles relevant to plant protection via the apps. You can access both the online version of PestNet as well as the Mobile (Android) version via the drop down menu under ‘Resources’.
Factsheets and valuable support
The Pacific Pests, Pathogens & Weeds (PPP+W) app contains a series of pest fact sheets that provide valuable support to plant protection advisors and growers regarding pests of crops grown in Pacific countries, but also of relevance to those who grow these crops in other tropical regions. Recent updates have included weeds.
There is a free Online app and two free mobile apps, available at the Google and Apple stores.