Crops > Vegetables > Crucifers > Head cabbage > Club root, Plasmodiophora brassicae, PNG
Crops VegetablesCrucifersHead cabbageClub root, Plasmodiophora brassicae, PNG
Club root, Plasmodiophora brassicae
May 2009. A farmer from the highlands of Papua New Guinea complained about a root clubing problem on his young head cabbage plants. It started in one section of the plot and is spreading to other parts. Nematodes were suspected.
It was thought more likely that the plants were suffereing from Club root caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae a soil fungus. Equipment used in cultivation enables rapid spread of the disease. Raising the pH of the soil by liming will help. Soil drench with fungicide is useful to begin with, possibly Bordeaux mixture. For long term management, avoid brassicas in that plot for a few rotations.
The symptoms were too early to be considered to be caused by nematode.