Crops > Vegetables > Sechium edule > Sechium edule, New Caledonia
Crops Vegetables Sechium eduleSechium edule, New Caledonia
October 2003. New Caledonia reported an unusual symptom on Choko, Sechium edule. A congealed exudate was present on the vines. Later, the vines died. It was thought that perhaps an insect had punctured the stem, but none were found, even at night.
Members were equally puzzled. However, if it was an insect then the stems should be examined under a microscope for puncture marks, after removing the exudate. It was suggested that perhaps the Green vegetable bug was the cause. But this was ruled out as it is quite rare; it is under control by Trisolcus basalis. More information about the lesions was requested.
It was suggested that contact be made with QDPI, Australia, as there is experience there with this crop. |