Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Thrips, an Identification guide, Turkey

Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects > Thrips, an Identification guide, Turkey

Pests Pest taxonomy/IDs Insects Thrips, an Identification guide, Turkey

Thrips identification key

June 2002. A request for a key on thrips from Turkey.

Members suggested the following published by CABI:

Thysanoptera: An Identification Guide, 2nd Edition
LA Mound, CSIRO Entomology, Australia and G Kibby, formerly of the
International Institute of Entomology, London, UK
Publication Date: July 1998
Number of Pages: 70
Binding: Spiral Bound
ISBN: 0851992110
Price: ??22.50 (US$37.50)

This gives a picture key to the important genera, with notes, in English.

There is also a CD to a LUCID key to pest thrips of the world.

ThripsID: Pest Thrips of the World
Gerald Moritx, David Morris & Laurence Mound. 2001