Pests > Pests Entities > Insects > Beetles > Omophoita albicollis, Barbados
Pests Pests Entities Insects Beetles Omophoita albicollis, Barbados
Omophoita albicollis, West Indies
August 2010. An email was forwarded from the Caribbean list service to Pestnet for possible identification of the attached Chrysomelid beetle reported on Blue vervain plants in Barbados. How can this beetle be controlled?
It is a flea-beetle (alticini) Omophoita albicollis (F), one of about 50 spp. in this genus and widespread in the West Indies. It feeds on Verbenaceae especially, but other things as well (i.e., it is polyphagous). It was considered for biological control of lantana in Australia, but rejected because of its polyphagous habit.