Pests > Pests Entities > Reptiles & Amphibians > Snake > Candoia, Pacific boa, a protected species, Samoa
Pests Pests Entities Reptiles & Amphibians SnakeCandoia, Pacific boa, a protected species, Samoa
July 2010. A request from Samoa to confirm that this snake is the Pacific boa, Candoia carinata. It was accidentally run over by a car. If so, then as a member of the Family Boidae, Candoia is protected under the Convention for International Trade in Endangered Species, and there is need to raise public awareness, as it seems any snake found is killed on the spot. It???s said that this species is harmless and should be protected in its natural habitat.
There was general relief that it was not the Brown tree snake; then there ensued a discussion about snakes and their protection under CITIES. Some members did not want snakes at any cost, CITIES notwithstanding! And there was some agreement on that position. The situation is this: CITES protected species outside their habitat (country) are considered as invasive species. The introduction of an alien snake could also have trade ramifications, if it were not in the importing country. However, the Pacific Boa is native to the region, is under threat and, as such, should be protected.