Crops > Medicinal, herbs & drugs > Plectranthus sp., Spanish thyme, Samoa
Crops Medicinal, herbs & drugs Plectranthus sp., Spanish thyme, Samoa
Plectranthus sp., Spanish thyme
October 2005. Samoa Health Department asked for the identification of a herb as well as additional information on medicinal and food uses.
It was identified as Coleus amboinicus, Indian borage, now known as Plectranthus amboinicus (Labiateae/Lamiaceae). It has a number of common names. In Jamaica, is is called French thyme or Thick leaf thyme and is used by some as a seasoning. It is also known as Spanish thyme. It is a fragrance and spice plant (e.g., used as a condiment in soups). Yet another name is Mexican oregano. See for mor einfomration.