Crops > Vegetables > Cucurbits & others > Melon wilt plus, Cambodia

Crops > Vegetables > Cucurbits & others > Melon wilt plus, Cambodia

Crops VegetablesCucurbits & others Melon wilt plus, Cambodia

Melon wilt plus, Cambodia

Virus – mosaics of leaves (forth row), and perhaps the pale blotches of the fruit (top, left). But that’s not the main problem.

Wilt (fifth row) and the associated symptoms on the leaves (top, right & second row, left), perhaps caused by root damage (second row, right).

Fruit splitting (thrid row) ??? possibly, water related.

There is need to get the plants to a lab for isolation of fungi from the roots. Assistance was offered from the Plant Protection Division CARDI (Cambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute).