Pests > Pest taxonomy/IDs > Insects
Pests Pest taxonomy/IDs Insects
- Distinguing Epilacna spp., Cook Is
- Spodoptera ?litura, Chinese cabbage, Palau
- Aulacophora sp., identification, cucurbits, CNMI
- Whitefly parasitoids, CSIRO Australia key on Web
- Institutions to ident. Pacific insects, USP Samoa
- Pacific Polistes hornets, ident., NZ & Cook Is
- Thrips, an Identification guide, Turkey
- Identification, armoured scales CD-Rom, UK
- Weevil genitalia preparation, identification, PNG
- Australian insect common names website
- Taxonomy, Idiopsis & Idiopsodes, PNG
- How to prepare & send mealybugs, UK
- Distinguishing Planococcus species, India
- Ident., wild & domesticated bees, Solomon Is
- Ident., Papaya mealybug, Paracoccus sp., USA
- Brontispa, Plesisp & Promecotheca, indent., PNG
- Correct name for Rice yellow stem borer